Special Offers
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(71.)   Thulin, Mats, (Edit.)     [ 1999 ]
Flora of Somalia. Vol. 2. Angiosperms: Tiliaceae to Apiaceae
II+303 pages, 194 figs, hardcover, engl.
order- id 04740/00 price 50,00 *  
(72.)   Tolmachev, A.I., (Russian Edition Editor), Pscker, j.G., (English Edition Editor), &, Griffiths, G.C.D., (Translator)     [ 2000 ]
Flora of the Russian Arctic. Vol. III. Salicaceae - Ranunculaceae
This volume - the third of six - continues the first comprehensive English-language flora of the Russian Arctic
XXXV+472 pages, maps, appewndix, index, hardcover, engl.
order- id 04911/00 price 65,00 *  
(73.)   Tooren, Bartele Frans van, &, Sparrius, Laurens B.     [ 2007 ]
Voorlopige verspreidungsatlas van de Nederlandse mossen
Mit über 600 Verbreitungskarten.
350 pages, hardcover, holl.
order- id 11960/07 price 19,90 *  
(74.)   Townsend, C.C.     [ 1985 ]
Flora of Tropical East Africa. Amaranthaceae
IV+136 pages, 30 Figures, Paper bound, engl.
order- id 06213/02 price 25,00 *  
(75.)   Tuba, Zoltan, Slack, Nancy G., &, Stark, Lloyd, R. Stark, (Eds.)     [ 2011 ]
Bryophyte Ecology and Climate Change
Bryophytes, especially mosses, represent a largely untapped resource for monitoring and indicating effects of climate change on the living environment. They are very closely to the external environment and have been likened to "canaries in the coal mine". This is the first book to bring together a diverse array of research in bryophyte ecology, including physiology, desiccation tolerance, photosynthesis, temperature and UV responses, under the umbrella of climate change...
496 pages, 79 b/w illustr., softcover, engl.
order- id 14988/10 price 29,90 *  
(76.)   Vakhrameev, V.A., Dobruskina, I.A., Meyen, S.V., &, Zaklinskaja, E.D.     [ 1978 ]
Paläozoische und mesozoische Floren Eurasiens und die Phytogeographie dieser Zeit
Inhalt (nur Hauptüberschriften): Die Prinzipien der paläofloristischen Gebietseinteilung... Die Devon-Floren. Die Karbon-Floren. Die Perm-Floren. Die Trias-Floren. Die Floren des Jura und der Unterkreide. Die Floren der Oberkreide. Die Floren der Oberkreide und des Frühen Paläogen. Die botanisch-geographische Zonalität in der geologischen Vergangenheit und die Evolution in der Pflanzenwelt. Literatur. Special offer!
300 pages, 30 Abb, hardcover, dt. , Jena (Gustav Fischer)
Ehemaliges Bibliotheksexemplar. Gut erhalten.
order- id 20552/23 price 30,00 *  
(77.)   van Dort, Klaas W., &, Horvers, Bart     [ 2021 ]
Coniocarps. Rain shadow species/Coniocarpen Regenschaduw specialisten
Coniocarps form a diverse group of inconspicuous, lichenised and non-lichenised fungi. They show a distinct preference for special microhabitats like deeply fissured bark, dry dead wood and decorticated parts of veteran trees in ancient woodlands and parks. Coniocarps are strong indicators of high ecological valures.
192 pages, durchgehend mit Farbfotografien, hardcover, engl./holl.
order- id 20487/22 price 29,90 *  
(78.)   Wichtmann, Wendelin, Schröder, Christian, &, Joosten, Hans, (Hrsg.)     [ 2016 ]
Paludiculture - productive use of wet peatlands. Climate protection - biodiversity - regional economic benefits
Peatlands cover some 4 million km² worldwide. Approximately 15% of this area - particularly in the temperate zone and the (sub)tropics - is drained, largely to be used for conventional agriculture and forestry. Drainage leads to irreparable damage to peatlands. Subsidence and soil degradation frustrate long-term peatlandutilisation and are responsible for almost 6% of the total global anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Soil degradation and greenhouse gas emissions can be strongly reduced by rewetting. Rewetting, however, makes conventional land use impossible. In contrast, paludiculture on wet and rewetted peatlands allows for permanent, sustainable cultivation of peatlands. The volume introduces paludiculture as a novel land use practice for the production of biomass, which is further able to reactivate or sustain a wide variety of ecosystem services impaired by peatland drainage. Biomass from wet peatlands is useful for various applications: as fuel and raw material, food, fodder and medicine. The authors discuss and evaluate the ecosystem services and economic feasibility of various land use options. Practical recommendations for and legal aspects of implementing paludicultural methods are presented as well as experiences with its worldwide application. The historical development of peatland utilization, including its increasing intensification, the resulting soil degradation, and the recent development of paludiculture as an alternative, balanced land use approach are described. The book provides extensive information for practioners and scientists as well as decision-makers in politics, management, and explains the principles of wise peatland management, encouraging the worldwide implementation of paludiculture as a unique form of sustainable utilisation of organic soils.
VIII+272 pages, 153 Abbildungen, 109 Tabellen, 49 Infokästen, hardcover, engl.
Exemplar mit minimalem Einbandschaden.
Neupreis 79,90 Euro.
order- id 18823/16 price 49,90 *  
(79.)   Zürchische Botanische Gesellschaft, (Hrsg.)     [ 2020 ]
Flora des Kantons Zürich
Das große Überblickswerk zur Flora des Kantons Zürich mit einer Verbreitungskarte zu jeder Art, die die Entwicklungsdynamik über die letzten 170 Jahre wiedergibt. Alle 1757 wild vorkommende Arten im Porträt.
1128 pages, über 3.500 Farbfotos, ca. 1.760 Verbreitungskarten, 95 Abbildungen, 15 Tabellen, hardcover, dt.
order- id 20089/20 price 48,00 *  

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