Special List: Insects
  - 190 volumes , ordered by 'author'
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(1.)   Amiet, Felix, Müller, Andreas, &, Neumeyer, Rainer     [ 2014 ]
Apidae 2. Colletes, Dufourea, Hylaeus, Nomia, Nomioides, Rophitoides, Rophites, Sphecodes, Systropha
Der 2. Teil behandelt die Gattungen Colletes, Doufurea, Hylaeus, Nomia, Nomioides, Rhophitoides, Rophites, Sphecodes und Systropha.
239 pages, dessins, cartes de distribution, hardcover, dt./franz. (Fauna Helvetica, 4), 2. ed.
Fehlt im Lager. Beschaffung und Preis auf Anfrage.
order- id 18239/14 price 0,00 *  
(2.)   Archer, M. E.     [ 2014 ]
The Vespoids Wasps (Tiphiidae, Mutillidae, Sapygidae, Scoliidae and Vespidae) of the British Isles
A general introduction is provided to the natural history and external morphology for the following families of the Vespoidea: Tiphiidae, Mutillidae, Sapygidae, Scoliidae and Vespidae including the subfamilies Eumeninae, Polistinae and Vespinae.A checklist is given for the 45 species that have been recorded from the British Isles. Keys to the families, genera and species, together with diagnostic illustrations, are provided. Notes are given on the preparation of specimens for identification. Species profiles include information on British and overseas distribution, habitats, adult activity period, nesting characteristics, prey, host records and flowers visited.
pages, Paper bound, engl. (Edit: Royal Entomological Society) (Royal Entomological Society Handbook, Vol. 6/6)
Out of stock. Price and orders on request.
order- id 18244/14 price 0,00 *  
(3.)   Asman, Karoline, (Edit.)     [ 2010 ]
Nationalnyckeln till Sveriges Flora och Fauna. Stövsländor: Psocoptera
This volume of the Encyclopedia of the Swedish Flora and Fauna covers about 80 species of Psocoptera.
204 pages, many colour photographs and figures, hardcover, schwed./engl. (Nationalnycklen till Sveriges Flora och Fauna, )
order- id 13976/08 price 69,90 *  
(4.)   Aukema, Berend, Rieger, Christian, &, Rabitsch, Wolfgang     [ 2013 ]
Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region. Volume 6. Supplement
XXIV+629 pages, 2 b/w-maps, Paper bound, engl. (Edit: Netherlands Entomological Society )
order- id 17116/13 price 49,90 *  
(5.)   Ball, Stuart, &, Morris, Roger     [ 2013 ]
  Series: Wild Guides...
Britain''s Hoverflies: An Introduction to the Hoverflies of Britain and Ireland
Britain''s Hoverflies is a beautifully illustrated photographic field guide to all the genera of hoverflies found in Britain, focusing on the species most likely to be identified. Accessible and designed to appeal to a wide audience, the book contains more than 500 remarkable photographs exploring the various life stages of all 69 hoverfly genera and the 164 most commonly seen species. Easy-to-use species accounts highlight key identification features, including status, behavior, and habitat 39quirements. The book also contains distribution maps, phenology charts, and introductory chapters that examine hoverfly biology. This guide is the perfect companion for wildlife enthusiasts, professional ecologists, and anyone with an interest in this unique insect family.
297 pages, many colour photographs, Paper bound, engl. (Wildguides, )
Out of stock. Orders on request.
order- id 16936/13 price 39,90 *  
(6.)   Bayerische Akademie für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege, (Hrsg.)     [ 2023 ]
Heuschrecken im Feld bestimmen (Bestimmungskarten)
pages, Klappbrochur, dt.
order- id 20515/23 price 5,95 *  
(7.)   Belin, Vladimir     [ 2003 ]
Nocni motyli Ceske a Slovenske republiky/Nachtfalter der Tschechischen und Slowakischen Republik
Covers over 1.000 species of 65 families occuring in both republics and includes short family characteristics, distributional data on species, present data of occurence, biotype information, seasonally, as well as caterpilar and host plants.
260 pages, 78 colour plates, hardcover, tschech./dt. , Zlin (Kabourek)
Antiquarisches Exemplar. Einband etwas angestoßen und unten berieben. Innen sauber.
order- id 20643/24 price 39,90 *  
(8.)   Bercio, Hans, &, Folwaczny, Bronislaw     [ 1979 ]
Verzeichnis der Käfer Preußens
XXI+369 pages, softcover, dt. , Fulda (Parzeller & Co.)
Ehemaliges Bibliotheksexemplar. Gut erhalten.
order- id 12188/07 price 35,00 *  
(9.)   Berkstein, Götz von     [ 2010 ]
Ameisenarten in unserer Heimat - Ein Nachschlagwerk zur Ameisenvielfalt in unseren Regionen
44 pages, zahlr. Farbfotografien, hardcover, dt.
order- id 15367/10 price 38,90 *  
(10.)   Bland, Keith B., &, Hancock, Edward F., (Eds.)     [ 2014 ]
The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 5. Tortricidae, part 2: Olethreutinae
In Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland, volume 5, Keith P. Bland offers a comprehensive account of the British members of the moth family TORTRICIDAE sensulato. For ease of handling, it is divided into two Volumes: Part 1, the Tortricinae&Chlidanotinae, and Part 2, the Olethreutinae. Each volume is self-contained and indexed separately. For each species there is included a full taxonomy, a description of the adult moth, an account of the larval stages and its life history. The up-to-date British distribution for each species is given as maps showing vice-county occurrence, supported with further detail where relevant. Each species is illustrated by means of one or more coloured photographs of mounted specimens, proportionally sized. For all species, the male and female genitalia are depicted by Josef Razowski''s excellent line drawings. Besides an index to the moth species, there is a comprehensive index to larval food substrates.
ca. 467 pages, illustr, hardcover, engl.
Out of stock. Order on request.
order- id 18206/14 price 0,00 *  

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