Special List: Insects
  - 190 volumes , ordered by 'author'
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(101.)   Mühletaler, Roland, Holzinger, Werner E., Nickel, Herbert, &, Wachmann, Ekkehard     [ 2018 ]
Die Zikaden Deutschlands, Österreichs und der Schweiz. Entdecken - Beobachten - Bestimmen
In einem allgemeinen Teil gibt das Buch Einblicke in Körperbau, Entwicklung und Lebensweise von Zikaden und diskutiert aktuelle naturschutzrelevante Themen. Der Porträtteil liefert Bestimmungshilfen für die im Freiland gut erkennbaren Arten und stellt eine Vielzahl von häufigen und auch besonders attraktiven Zikaden mit billanten Bildern.
360 pages, über 500 farbige Abbildungen, 5 Tabellen, hardcover, dt.
order- id 19102/17 price 24,95 *  
(102.)   Nartshuk, Emilia P., &, Andersson, Hugo     [ 2013 ]
The Frit Flies (Chloropidae, Diptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark
The Frit Flies (Chloropidae, Diptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark is written by two leading experts on this large and difficult group of small to minute flies, Dr Emilia P. Nartshuk, Zoological Institute Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg, Russia, & Dr Hugo Andersson (deceased in 2008), Zoological Institute, Lund University, Sweden. The book covers the North European fauna of frit flies that totals 209 species in 48 genera including 11 species and 1 genus described as new to science. Several species are economically important as notorial pests of cereals and fodder grasses. This is the first comprehensive treatment ever of the entire North European fauna of frit flies. It primarily facilitates species identification, but further summarizes existing knowledge about nomenclature, biology, faunistics and literature. Keys are given to subfamilies, genera and species for the adults and for the known larvae to genus or even species level. The text is supplemented with numerous illustrations of characters of diagnostic importance. Species distributions in the Nordic countries are detailed in a catalogue.
277 pages, hardcover, engl. (Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica, 43)
Out of stock. Orders on request.
order- id 17107/13 price 199,00 *  
(103.)   Nedved, Oldrich     [ 2015 ]
Brouci celedi sluneckoviti (Coccinellidae)/ Ladybird beetles (Coccinellidae)
304 pages, illustr., Paper bound, tschech./engl.
order- id 18798/16 price 34,90 *  
(104.)   Neue Entomologische Nachrichten     [ 1986 - 1999 ]
Bände 19-29, 31-38, 40-46
27 Hefte, Abgabe einzelner Bände auf Anfrage.
mehrere tausend pages, softcover, dt./engl. , ()
Bände z. T. etwas beschmutzt, sonst gut erhalten
Preis auf Anfrage.
order- id 08575/04 price 0,00 *  
(105.)   Newland, David, Still, Robert, &, Swash, Andy     [ 2013 ]
  Series: Wild Guides...
Britain''s Flying Moths: A Field Guide to the Day-Flying Moths of Britain and Ireland
This concise photographic field guide will help you identify any of the 100 or so day-flying moths found in Britain and Ireland. Combining stunning photographs, authoritative text, and an easy-to-use design, Britain''s Day-Flying Moths makes a perfect traveling companion - one that will increase your enjoyment of these colourful and intriguing creatures. Like butterflies, some moths fly regularly in sunshine, whereas others that usually fly only at night are readily disturbed from their resting places during the day. Britain''s Day-Flying Moths describes all of these species, with at least one photograph of each in its natural, resting pose. The text includes a brief description of each moth, with details of its life history, where and when to look for it, its status, the food plants of its caterpillars, and its special features. Introductory sections cover many topics, including how to distinguish moths from butterflies, classification, life cycle and behaviour, ecological importance, the impact of habitat and climate change, recording and monitoring, and conservation. "Some moths, like butterflies, fly regularly in sunshine, and others that usually fly only at night are readily disturbed from their resting places during the day. Britain''s Day-Flying Moths, a new national moth title, aims to cover both categories of species. This handy and concise 225-page photographic field guide promises to help you identify any of the 155 day-flying moths found in Britain and Ireland.
224 pages, 200 colour photographs, maps, flex, engl. (Wild Guides, )
Out of stock. The price is non-binding and can be changed due to rate of exchange. Binding price on request.
order- id 17399/13 price 24,90 *  
(106.)   Niehuis, Manfred     [ 2013 ]
Die Buntkäfer in Rheinland-Pfalz und im Saarland
Das vorliegende Grundlagenwerk über die Buntkäfer von Rheinland-Pfalz und des Saarlandes gibt auf breiter Datenbasis und unter Berücksichtigung eines umfangreichen weltweit erschienenen Schrifttums einen umfassenden Überblick über eine in vielfacher Hinsicht hoch interessante Käfergruppe, die sich nicht nur durch die Schönheit ihrer Arten auszeichnet.
683 pages, durchgehend mit Farbfotografien, hardcover, dt. (Edit: Gesellschaft für Naturschutz und Ornithologie , Rheinland-Pfalz e.V. (GNOR)) (Fauna und Flora in Rheinland-Pfalz, Beiheft 44)
Fehlt im Lager. Lieferbarkeit auf Anfrage.
order- id 17078/13 price 39,90 *  
(107.)   Nowacki, Janusz     [ 1998 ]
Die Noctuids (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) of Central Europe
51 pages, 24 colour plates, 41 plates of genitalia drawings, hardcover, dt. , Bratislava ()
Antiquarisches Exemplar. Einband leicht beschädigt. Gut erhalten.
order- id 20704/24 price 35,00 *  
(108.)   O''Toole, Chrsitopher     [ 2013 ]
Bees. A Natural History
Only recently have biologists discovered that human survival is inextricably linked to the survival of insects, specifically, bees. Today the 16-20,000 species of bee continue to play vital roles in human ecology. We survive only by grace of the life-sustaining network of bee-plant relationships. Bees immerses readers in the world of Apinae whose diversity of form and behaviour is eloquent testimony to the fine-tuning of natural selection. Written by a world-leading entomologist and specialist in bees, the book''s topics include: What are bees? (The Wasp Inheritance) - Bees as foragers, their nesting instinct, on-board computing facility, sun-compass orientation and sense of time, The many ways of being a bee - Solitary versus social, Miners and masons, Leafcutters and carpenters, Bees and flowering plants, The male of the species - Mating strategies, patrols, competition, territoriality, the role of scent, The enemies of bees - Cleptoparasites, cuckoo bees, Bees and People - historic and contemporary, Bees in Folk and Modern Medicine, The Conservation of Bees - the decline of bees and honeybees, bees in human ecology, bee conservation, urban bees, Bee projects - the backyard bee scientist. Bees can be found throughout history in roles poetic and military, in medicine and agriculture, in the kitchen and in the kit of a traditional healer. They have played a bigger role in human existence than is often recognized. This beautifully illustrated, appreciative tribute will be welcomed by entomologists, students and all naturalist readers.
240 pages, many colour illustrations, hardcover, engl.
order- id 17463/13 price 39,90 *  
(109.)   Parenti, Umberto     [ 2002 ]
A Guide to the Microlepidoptera of Europe
426 pages, 156 farbige Tafeln, hardcover, engl. , Torino ()
Antiquarisches Exemplar. Gut erhalten.
order- id 20644/24 price 98,00 *  
(110.)   Peyron, John     [ 1909 ]
Zur Morphologie der skandinavischen Schmetterlinge
304 pages, 10 Tafeln, 232 Textfiguren, softcover, dt. (Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar, 44 (1)), Uppsala & Stockholm ()
Vom Vorbesitzer fest gebunden. Sehr gut erhalten.
order- id 10336/06 price 49,00 *  

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