Special List: Insects
  - 190 volumes , ordered by 'author'
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(111.)   Phillips, Roger, &, Carter, David     [ 1991 ]
Kosmos-Atlas Schmetterlinge. Europäische Tag- und Nachtfalter
191 pages, durchgehend mir Farbfotografien, hardcover, dt. , Stuttgart (Franckh-Kosmos), 2. ed.
Gut erhalten
order- id 10783/06 price 25,00 *  
(112.)   Pilot, Henk Moller     [ 2013 ]
Chironomidae Larvae. part 3. Aquatic Orthacladiinae - Water Quality Management. Biology and Ecology of Aquatic Orthocladiinae
An invaluable tool for aquatic ecologists and water quality management. Chironomids are a group of non-biting midges, the larvae of which are important in aquatic ecosystems. The subfamily Orthocladiinae is well represented in flowing water. This books contains information about their life cycle, feeding behaviour and their response to environmental factors. Presents a wealth of information for scientific and practical purpose. The subfamily Orthocladiinae is especially well represented in flowing water. Most of the species need a good supply of oxygen and few larvae are bottom dwellers. Many species emerge early in spring and may be scarce in summer. Other species live in stagnant and even temporary water bodies. The author has brought together information about the life cycle and feeding behaviour of the larvae and their response to environmental factors such as oxygen conditions, current velocity and saprobity. Special attention has been paid to the interrelations between these factors. Problems with nomenclature and identification are also briefly treated. An invaluable tool for aquatic ecologists and water quality management.
320 pages, hardcover, engl.
order- id 17134/13 price 94,95 *  
(113.)   Pittioni, Emanuel     [ 1943 ]
Die Käfer von Niederdonau: Die Curti-Sammlung im Museum des Reichgaues Niederdonau. I. Einführung: Carabidae - Scydmanidae II: Silphidae - Pythidae
189 pages, hardcover, dt. (Niederdonau: Natur und Kultur, 23/1 und 23/2), Wien - Leipzig (Karl Kühne)
Ehemaliges Bibliotheksexemplar. Gut erhalten.
order- id 12193/07 price 35,00 *  
(114.)   Portevin, G.     [ 1929 - 1935 ]
Histoire naturelle des Coleopteres de France. 4 vols
Rare classic set on the Coleoptera of France.
X+649, VI+542, VI+774, VI+500 pages, 20 colour plates, 1998 text figures, hardcover, franz. (Encyclopédie Entomolologique, 12, 13, 17, 18), Paris (Paul Lechevalier)
Ehemaliges Bibliotheksexemplar. Fest gebunden. Sehr gut erhalten.
order- id 12169/07 price 495,00 *  
(115.)   Rapp, Otto     [ 1933 - 1935 ]
Die Käfer Thüringens unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der faunistisch-ökologischen Geographie auf Grund der Literatur, der Beiträge zahlreicher Entomologen und eigener Beobachtungen
Im Auftrag der Akademie gemeinnütziger Wissenschaften zu Erfurt bearbeitet von Otto Rapp, 1878-1954, Lehrer, Museologe und Heimatforscher.
XXIII+766, (4)+790, (2)+III+332+(8) pages, 8 Tafeln, 8 Karten im Anhang, 1 Karte im Rückumschlag, Leinen, dt. , Erfurt (Selbstverlag)
Als Typoskript gedruckt. Ehemaliges Bibliotheksexemplar. Gut erhalten.
order- id 12187/07 price 150,00 *  
(116.)   Rasmont, Pierre, Ghisbain, Guillaum, &, Terzon, Michael     [ 2021 ]
Bumblebees of Europe (Hymenoptera of Europe 3)
pages, many plates with colour photos, line drawings, hardcover, engl.
order- id 20402/21 price 89,90 *  
(117.)   Razowski, Jósef     [ 2009 ]
Torticidae of the Palaearctic Region. Volume 2. Cochylini
This volume is entirely devoted to the tribe Cochylini. The general data on the family Tortricidae of the Palaearctic in a world context comprises volume one of this series. This volume includes the characteristics of Cochlini and the systematic part. For each of the 349 species treated the following features are provided: synonymies, type localities, critical references, diagnosis and description, including genitalia and data on early stages, biology, habitats, and food plants. Remarks also are given on distribution and zoogeographic affinity. Adults are illustrated in colour. Line drawigs of the male and female genitalia are provided.
195 pages, many colour plates and figures, hardcover, engl.
Out of stock. Orders on request.
order- id 17406/13 price 79,90 *  
(118.)   Razowski, Jósef     [ 2008 ]
Torticidae of the Palaearctic Region. Volume 1. Tortricini and General Part
The series "Tortricidae of the Palaearctic Region" will consist of six volumes. Volume one comprises the introduction, examining the tortricid fauna of the Palaearctic in a world context. It contains a brief history of studies on Tortricidae, details on morphology, biology, faunistics, distribution and zoogeography, and a review of characteristics of the non-Palaearctic tribes. A phylogeny and classification is proposed, with a list of all known family-level taxa. Illustrations are provided in support of the text for all chapters, along with colour figures of representatives of each tortricid tribe. The systematic part of volume one is devoted to Tortricini, with a review of the characteristics of the subfamily Tortricinae. For each of the 164 Palaearctic species treated, the following features are provided: synonymy, type locality, critical references, diagnosis, and description, including genitalia and data on early stages, biology, habitats, and food plants. Remarks also are given on distribution and zoogeographic affinity. Adults are illustrated in colour, with multiple images of species that exhibit considerable variation. Line drawings of the male and female genitalia of all known species are provided.
152 pages, many colour plates and figures, hardcover, engl.
Out of stock. Orders on request.
order- id 17405/13 price 79,90 *  
(119.)   Redtenbacher, Ludwig     [ 1874 ]
Fauna Austriaca. Die Käfer nach der analytischen Methode bearbeitet.
XLVI+564+VIII pages, 2. Kupfertafeln, hardcover, dt. , Wien (Carl Gerold´s Sohn), 3. neu bearb. ed.
Ehemaliges Bibliotheksexemplar. Gut erhalten.
order- id 12084/07 price 99,90 *  
(120.)   Reemer, Menno, &, de Jong, Herman     [ 2016 ]
De Nederlandse breedvoetvliegen en basterdbreedvoetfliegen (Platypezidae & Opetiidae)
134 pages, many colour photographs, maps, Paper bound, holl. (Entomologische Tabellen, 10)
order- id 19062/17 price 30,00 *  

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