Special List: Insects
  - 190 volumes , ordered by 'author'
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(11.)   Bland, Keith B., &, Hancock, Edward F., (Eds.)     [ 2014 ]
The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 5. Tortricidae, part 1: Tortricinae & Chlidanotidae
In Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland, volume 5, Keith P. Bland offers a comprehensive account of the British members of the moth family TORTRICIDAE sensulato. For ease of handling, it is divided into two Volumes: Part 1, the Tortricinae&Chlidanotinae, and Part 2, the Olethreutinae. Each volume is self-contained and indexed separately. For each species there is included a full taxonomy, a description of the adult moth, an account of the larval stages and its life history. The up-to-date British distribution for each species is given as maps showing vice-county occurrence, supported with further detail where relevant. Each species is illustrated by means of one or more coloured photographs of mounted specimens, proportionally sized. For all species, the male and female genitalia are depicted by Josef Razowski''s excellent line drawings. Besides an index to the moth species, there is a comprehensive index to larval food substrates.
ca. 305 pages, illustr, hardcover, engl.
Out of stock. Orders on request.
order- id 18205/14 price 0,00 *  
(12.)   Bönsel, André, &, Frank, Michael     [ 2013 ]
Verbreitungsatlas der Libellen Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns
In dem vorliegenden Verbreitungsatlas wird für jede einzelne der bisher 63 nachgewiesenen Libellenarten die geghenwärtige Vorkommenssituation dargestellt. Dazu wurden insgesamt mehr als 30.000 Datensätze aus dem Zeitraum von 1853-2012 berücksichtigt. Jeder einzelnen Libellenart ist ein eigenes Kapitel mit einer Verbreitungskarte gewidmet und durch Fotos abgebildet. Es werden in den Artkapiteln der Lebensraumanspruch und die Lebensweise unter Beachtung von landesspezifischen Besonderheiten beschrieben. Die Bestandsentwicklung und die Gefährdung werden ebenso diskutiert, wie auch, wenn möglich und sinnvoll. individuelle Schutzmaßnahmen für jede Art vorgeschlagen.
256 pages, zahlr. Fotos und Karten, hardcover, dt.
order- id 17472/13 price 25,00 *  
(13.)   Bot, Sander, &, Meutter, Frank van de     [ 2019 ]
Veldgids Zweefvliegen [Field Guide to Hoverflies]
Hoverflies are intricately patterned flies mimicking the appearance of bees, bumblebees and wasps. During the summer they can be found everywhere, from woodlands and back gardens, to the centre of towns and villages. This is the first Dutch field guide to allow identification of all hoverflies of the Netherlands and Belgium, and identification keys are included. The book describes all 382 species currently present, or that might occur there in the near future, using over 1600 spectacular macro-photos. For each species identifying traits and ecology are described, including distribution maps and diagrams showing flight times.
388 pages, 1600 colour photographs, colour distribution maps, hardcover, holl. , 2. ed.
Out of stock. Orders on request.
order- id 20190/20 price 49,95 *  
(14.)   Bradler, Sven, &, Seiler, Christoph     [ 2012 ]
Phasmiden. Lebensweise - Pflege - Zucht
Das Buch liefert einen breiten Überblick über die Diversität der Insektengruppe der Stab- und Gespenstschrecken (Phasmatodea), einschließlich ihrer Biologie und Evolution. Schwerpunkt bildet die Anleitung zur Haltung und Vermehrung einer großen Auswahl von derzeit in Kultur befindlichen Arten.
175 pages, 200 Farbfotos, 17 Grafiken, hardcover, dt.
order- id 16691/12 price 29,90 *  
(15.)   Brock, Paul D.     [ 2017 ]
A photographic guide to Insects of Southern Europe & the Mediterranean
First of its kind, this new guide features many of the large, spectacular insects a visitor to southern Europe and the Mediterranean is likely to encounter. All the major insect groups of this region are covered, including many endemic species.
412 pages, over 2000 colour photographs, 1500 maps, softcover, engl.
order- id 19132/17 price 45,90 *  
(16.)   Brooks, Steve, &, Cham, Steve     [ 2014 ]
Field Guide to the Dragonflies & Damselflies of Great Britain and Ireland
All Great Britain and Ireland''s resident and migrant dragonfly and damselfly species fully described and illustrated with more than 280 colour works by Richard Lewington, one of Europe''s foremost wildlife illustrators. Fully updated, revised and redesigned, this 2014 edition features full descriptions, ecological notes and distribution maps, as well as a general introduction and regional guide to the best places to watch dragonflies. The 2002 edition was shortlisted for the BP Natural World Book Prize.
192 pages, more than 280 detailed colour artworks, more than 50 colour photographs, Paper bound, engl.
order- id 18197/14 price 29,90 *  
(17.)   Bühler-Cortesi, Thomas     [ 2013 ]
Schmetterlinge. Tagfalter der Schweiz
Dieses handliche Bestimmungsbuch stellt sämtliche Tagfalter der Schweiz von der Alpensüdseite bis zum Jura vor. Die über 200 Schmetterlingsarten sind ? mit eindrücklichen und detailgenauen Farbzeichnungen ? jeweils in Originalgröße abgebildet und die wichtigsten Bestimmungsmerkmale so hervorgehoben, dass ein rasches Bestimmen möglich ist. Zudem wird von jedem Falter auch ein Farbfoto der Raupe gezeigt. Knappe und fachkundige Texte zu den Merkmalen, den Futterpflanzen der Raupen und dem Lebensraum vermitteln ein umfassendes Bild der Art. Die Verbreitungskarte und eine Tabelle zur jahreszeitlichen Entwicklung von Eier, Raupe, Puppe und Falter ergänzen die wichtigen Informationen. Mit einer Auflistung der ähnlichen Arten und den jeweiligen Unterscheidungsmerkmalen wird das Schmetterlingsporträt abgerundet.
238 pages, über 200 Farbzeichnungen, 208 Farbfotos, Flexibroschur, dt. , 2. korr. ed.
order- id 16879/13 price 36,90 *  
(18.)   Cham, Steve     [ 2012 ]
Field Guide to larvae and exuviae of British Dragonflies
This publication combines for the first time the original Volume 1 on Dragonflies (2007) and Volume 2 on Damselflies (2009). Since the publication of these separate British Dragonfly Society (BDS) Field Guides, there has been increasing demand to combine them into a single book. In this volume, two new species, Dainty Damselfly Coenagrionscitulum and Southern Migrant Hawker Aeshnaaffinis, have been added. A new appendix for Willow Emerald Lestesviridis shows extra features on the exuvia and the scars left by ovipositing females. There have also been revisions to other text, but the overall format of this book matches the earlier field guides.In many ways, dragonflies are appearing to do well at the moment. Being an essentially tropical group of insects, many species are apparently responding favourably to increasing temperatures and spreading northwards in their range. The recent colonisation of eastern England by Willow Emerald from the continent and the re-appearance in Britain of Dainty Damselfly after a gap of over fifty years could be just two examples of this. On the other hand, some species are in decline and suffering from range contractions.In these times of rapid change, it is increasingly important for us to map species distribution and record important areas for dragonflies. It is particularly vital to know where species are breeding, so that these sites can be highlighted and protected. This book, with its concise text and superb photographs by Steve Cham, will enable anyone to find and identify breeding evidence with a little practice. For these reasons this new publication is an important resource for both professional ecologists and amateur enthusiasts alike.
II+152 pages, colour photos, coulour and b/w illustrations, Paper bound, engl. (Edit: British Dragonfly Society)
order- id 16628/12 price 21,90 *  
(19.)   Chapman, R. F.     [ 2013 ]
The Insects. Structure and Function
The Insects has been the standard textbook in the field since the first edition published over forty years ago. Building on the strengths of Chapman''s original text, this long-awaited 5th edition has been revised and expanded by a team of eminent insect physiologists, bringing it fully up-to-date for the molecular era. The chapters retain the successful structure of the earlier editions, focusing on particular functional systems rather than taxonomic groups and making it easy for students to delve into topics without extensive knowledge of taxonomy. The focus is on form and function, bringing together basic anatomy and physiology and examining how these relate to behaviour. This, combined with nearly 600 clear illustrations, provides a comprehensive understanding of how insects work. Now also featuring a richly illustrated prologue by George McGavin, this is an essential text for students, researchers and applied entomologists alike.
XXXI+929 pages, many b/w-figures, Paper bound, engl. (Edit: Simpson, R. F., &, Douglas, A. E.) , 5. ed.
Out of stock. The price is non-binding and can be changed due to rate of exchange. Binding price on request.
order- id 17414/13 price 57,90 *  
(20.)   Deckert, Jürgen, &, Wachmann, Ekkehard     [ 2020 ]
Die Wanzen Deutschlands. Entdecken - Beobachten - Bestimmen
Über 300 der bemerkenswertesten Wanzen Deutschlands werden vorgestellt. Anhand einer Liste der Wirtspflanzen kann gezielt nach den an ihnen lebenden Arten gesucht werden.
715 400 pages, über 350 farbige Abbildungen, hardcover, dt.
order- id 19105/17 price 34,95 *  

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