The morphologically variable family Parmulariaceae (Fungi, Ascomycota, Dothideomycetes) is widespread in the tropics. The biological relationship between fungus and plant has not been studied in detail, but most species have features indicating biotrophic parasitism, where the fungus derives nutrition from the host without deleterious effects. Few studies have been done in the last 30 years. The family now includes 34 accepted genera, with 24 further synonyms, and more than 100 species. The study was organized using a suite of computer databases, focusing on nomenclatural, geographical (floristic) and bibliographic information. More than 1000 scientific names were considered, and more than 1100 records of individual observations of these fungi have been gathered. All genera are fully redescribed and illustrated with drawings and microphotographs. A new key for identification of genera was constructed. A complete nomenclatural checklist of the family is presented. A new formal taxonomic concept of the Parmulariaceaeis introduced, and links are discussed with possibly related families including the Asterinaceae. Two new genera have been re-described, Minteraand Viegasellain the Parmulariaceae. Parmulariellais now included in the Parmulariaceae. Kentingiaand Chaetaspis(previously accepted as a synonyms of Rhagadolobium) are now considered of uncertain family in the Dothideomycetes. The genus Apoa, previously placed as a synonym of Pachypatella, was found to be a distinct genus. New combinations in several genera, including Hysterostomella, Cyclostomella (its anamorph: Peltistoma) and Parmulariawere made: Cyclostomellaatramentaria, C. theissenii, Hysterostomellabakeri, Parmularia radians, Peltistromadisciforme, Peltistromaleopoldinense, Peltistromajuruanum, Rhagadolobiumbakeriand a new species of Parmulariaon Melastomataceae, Parmulariamiconiaewas described and illustrated. Some other new combinations from either genera of Parmulariaceaeor distinct families are included as Dothidasteromellaacokantherae, Dothidasteromellafloridana, Dothidasteromellaparvispora, Perischizonbewsii.