- Vol. 20
Giardina, G.F.M. Raimondo, &, Spardaro, V.
[ 2007 ]
A catalogue of plants growing in Sicily
This catalogue includes the taxonomic units of the native and exotic taxa, both adventive anf cultivated, of vascular plants of Sicily. Contents: Introduction. Rarity and conservation problems. Nomenclatural variations. Technical notes. Catalogue. References. Appendices. Index.
582 pages, softcover, engl. (Bocconea, 20)
Out of stock. Availability and price on request.
- Vol. 22
Aleffi, Michele, Tacchi, Roberta, &, Cortini Pedrotti, Carmela, (Eds.)
[ 2008 ]
Checklist of the Hornworts, Liverworts and Mosses of Italy
Contents: Introduction. Conspectus of classification of Anthocerotophyta, Marchantiophyta and Bryophyta of Italy. List of abbrevations. Abbrevations adopted in the list of synonyms of mosses. Checklist of Hornworts and Liverworst. Notes on Hornworts and liverworts. Excluded of doubtful taxa. Synonyms of Hornworts and Liverworts. Checklist of Mosses. Notes on mosses. Excluded or doubtful taxa. Synonyms of Mosses. Bryological Bibliography of Italy. Regional Bibliography.
255 pages, Paper bound, engl. (Bocconea, 22), Palermo ()
Antiquarisches Exemplar. Sehr gut erhalten.
Sonderangebot. Neupreis ca. 60 Euro.
- Vol. 22
Aleffi, Michele, Tacchi, Roberta, &, Cortini Pedrotti, Carmela, (Eds.)
[ 2008 ]
Checklist of the Hornworts, Liverworts and Mosses of Italy
Contents: Introduction. Conspectus of classification of Anthocerotophyta, Marchantiophyta and Bryophyta of Italy. List of abbrevations. Abbrevations adopted in the list of synonyms of mosses. Checklist of Hornworts and Liverworst. Notes on Hornworts and liverworts. Excluded of doubtful taxa. Synonyms of Hornworts and Liverworts. Checklist of Mosses. Notes on mosses. Excluded or doubtful taxa. Synonyms of Mosses. Bryological Bibliography of Italy. Regional Bibliography.
255 pages, Paper bound, engl. (Bocconea, 22)
Sonderangebot. Neupreis ca. 60 Euro.