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  Bryophytorum Bibliotheca - 71 volumes
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Bryophytorum Bibliotheca     - Vol. 2
(1.)   Kuc, Marian     [ 1973 ]
Bryogeography of Expedition Area, Axel Heiberg, N.W.T., Canada
Contents: Introduction. Acknowledgements. Description of the Area. Bryogeography. Floristic Bryogeography. Ecological Bryogeography. Heat Balance. Humidity. Edaphic factors. Outline of the history. Flora: Sphagnaceae. Andraeaeceae. Polytrichaceae... References.
IV+120 pages, 43 figs., Paper bound, engl. (Bryophytorum Bibliotheca, Volume 2), Vaduz (J. Cramer in der A.R. Gantner Verlag Kommanditgesellschaft)
Gut erhalten.
Neupreis 27,80 Euro.
order- id 14691/10 price 14,90 *  
Bryophytorum Bibliotheca     - Vol. 2
(2.)   Kuc, Marian     [ 1973 ]
Bryogeography of Expedition Area, Axel Heiberg, N.W.T., Canada
Contents: Introduction. Acknowledgements. Description of the Area. Bryogeography. Floristic Bryogeography. Ecological Bryogeography. Heat Balance. Humidity. Edaphic factors. Outline of the history. Flora: Sphagnaceae. Andraeaeceae. Polytrichaceae... References.
IV+120 pages, 43 figs., Paper bound, engl. (Bryophytorum Bibliotheca, Volume 2), Vaduz (J. Cramer in der A.R. Gantner Verlag Kommanditgesellschaft)
Antiquarisches Exemplar. Gut erhalten.
Neupreis 27,80 Euro.
order- id 18033/14 price 14,90 *  
Bryophytorum Bibliotheca     - Vol. 3
(3.)   Stottler, R., &, Crandall, B.     [ 1974 ]
A Monograph of the genus Bryopteris (Swartz) Nees von Esenbeck
159 pages, 35 planches, Paper bound, engl. (Bryophytorum Bibliotheca, Volume 3), Vaduz (J. Cramer in der A.R. Gantner Verlag Kommanditgesellschaft)
Einband beschrieben und Rückseite fleckig. Innen sauber.
order- id 14465/09 price 16,90 *  
Bryophytorum Bibliotheca     - Vol. 4
(4.)   Gradstein, S. Robbert     [ 1975 ]
A taxonomic monograph of the genus Acrolejeunea (Hepaticae), with an arrangement of the Genera of Ptychantoideae
Contents (main headings): History. Morphology and Anatomy. Subdivision. Distibution. Evolutionary trends. Generic relationship. Taxonomic treatment (Key to the species, Subgens Acrolejeunea...). Circumscription of the Ptychanthoideae. Generic classification. Synopsis. Concluding remarks. References. Index
216 pages, 24 pls, Paper bound, engl. (Bryophytorum Bibliotheca, Volume 4), Vaduz (J. Cramer)
Antiquarisches Exemplar. Gut erhalten.
Neupreis 27,80 Euro.
order- id 17893/14 price 11,90 *  
Bryophytorum Bibliotheca     - Vol. 5
(5.)   Frahm, Jan-Peter     [ 1975 ]
Conspectus der mittel- und südamerikanischen Campylopus-Arten (Dicranaceae)
Neupreis 27,90 Euro.
160 pages, 14 pls., 3 maps, Paper bound, dt. (Bryophytorum Bibliotheca, Volume 5), Vaduz (J. Cramer in der A.R. Gantner Verlag Kommanditgesellschaft)
Antiquarisches Exemplar. Gut erhalten.
order- id 18409/15 price 15,90 *  
Bryophytorum Bibliotheca     - Vol. 6
(6.)   Maschke, Joachim     [ 1976 ]
Taxonomische Revision der Laubmoosgattung Myurium (Pterobryaceae)
218 pages, 55 Fig., 24 pls, Paper bound, dt. (Bryophytorum Bibliotheca, Volume 6), Vaduz (J. Cramer)
Antiquarisches Exemplar. Gut erhalten.
Neupreis 27,80 Euro.
order- id 17718/14 price 12,90 *  
Bryophytorum Bibliotheca     - Vol. 8
(7.)   Iwatsuki, Zennoske, Vitt, Dale H., &, Gradstein, S. Robbert     [ 1976 ]
Bryological Herbaria. A Guide to the Bryological Herbaria of the World
144 pages, Paper bound, dt. (Bryophytorum Bibliotheca, Volume 8), Vaduz (J. Cramer)
Antiquarisches Exemplar. Einband etwas abgrgriffen. Sonst gut erhalten.
order- id 18186/14 price 9,90 *  
Bryophytorum Bibliotheca     - Vol. 12
(8.)   During, H.J.     [ 1977 ]
A taxonomical revision of the Garovaglioideae (Pterobryaceae, Musci)
Contents: General Part (Introduction, Acknowledgements, Presentation of data, Morphology, Ecological notes, Distribution, Phytogeographical considerations, Taxonomic concepts, Subdivisions of the subfamily, Phylogenetical considerations, Systematic position). Special part (Pterobryaceae subfam. Garovaglioideae, Euptychium, Endotrichium, Endotrichellopsis, Garovaglia, Excluded taxa, Literature, Index).
244 pages, 80 pls, hardcover, engl. (Bryophytorum Bibliotheca, Volume 12), Vaduz (J. Cramer in der A.R. Gantner Verlag Kommanditgesellschaft)
Antiquarisches Exemplar. Gut erhalten.
Neupreis ca. 33 Euro.
order- id 17707/14 price 15,90 *  
Bryophytorum Bibliotheca     - Vol. 13
(9.)   Suire, C., (Edit.)     [ 1978 ]
Congres International de Bryologie, Bordeaux, 21.-23. Novembre 1977. Comptes Rendus
XVII+783 pages, 96 figs, hardcover, franz./engl. (Bryophytorum Bibliotheca, Volume 13), Vaduz (J. Cramer in der A.R. Gantner Verlag Kommanditgesellschaft)
Neupreis 120,90 Euro.
order- id 01989/97 price 59,90 *  
Bryophytorum Bibliotheca     - Vol. 13
(10.)   Suire, C., (Edit.)     [ 1978 ]
Congres International de Bryologie, Bordeaux, 21.-23. Novembre 1977. Comptes Rendus
XVII+783 pages, 96 figs, hardcover, franz./engl. (Bryophytorum Bibliotheca, Volume 13), Vaduz (J. Cramer in der A.R. Gantner Verlag Kommanditgesellschaft)
Gut erhalten.
Neupreis 120,90 Eur.
order- id 14604/10 price 59,90 *  

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