Engel, Thomas, Frey, Wolfgang, &, Kürschner, Harald, (Eds.)
[ 1991 ]
Inhalt (Auszug): The systematics of the annual species of the genus Astragalus L. (Leguminosae), by D.Podlech/ Seed-coat anatomy as a character for a new classification of Thlaspi, by F.K.Meyer/ The evolution of rachis thorns in Astragalus and Astracantha (Leguminosae) and the systematic applicability of thorn anatomy, by T.Engel/ A re-assessment of Bromustectorum: a computer analysis, synaptospermy and chorispermy, by F.Sales/ The genus Halothamnus (Chenopodiaceae) in Southwest Asia, by G.Kothe-Heinrich/ Adaptive stratagems and taxonomy in S.W.Asian grasses, by P.M.Smith/ Problems in Carex section Physodeae and Cyperusconglomeratus within the Flora Iranica area, by I.Kukkonen/ Assessment of the morphological variation by means of numerical taxonomy in Alopecurus (Gramineae), by M.Dogan/ Parasitic flowering plants in agricultural ecosystems of West Asia, by J.Sauerborn/ Synanthropic flora of Israel, by A.Danin/ Einheimische Unkraeuter ohne Naturstandorte ("Heimatlose" oderobligatorischeUnkraeuter), von H.Scholz/ The flora of cultivated plants of the Georgian SSR and its genetic resources, by P.Hanelt and R.K.Beridze/ NeolithischeHolzkohlenausdem Tell WadiFenan (WadiArabah, Jordanien) und ihre Interpretation, von W.Frey, E.Gerlach und H.Kuerschner/ Reproductive adaptations of parasitic higher plants: The case of Cuscuta (Cuscutaceae), by U.Plitmann/ Ecotypic differentiation in Sarcopoterium spinosum: phytogeographical implications, by Y.Waisel and O.BarZait/ etc.
VIII+324 pages, figs and plates, hardcover, engl. (Flora et Vegetatio mundi, IX)