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  Polish Botanical Studies - 13 volumes
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Polish Botanical Studies     - Vol. 26
(11.)   Vanky, Kalman     [ 2007 ]
Smut fungi of the Indian Subcontinent
In the present book 369 smut fungi species belonging to 45 genera known from the Indian Subcontinent are decribed, including 11 species not reported from the area so far.
265 pages, 86 figures, softcover, engl. (Polish Botanical Studies, 26)
Out of stock. Availability and exact price on request.
order- id 12560/07 price 59,90 *  
Polish Botanical Studies     - Vol. 27
(12.)   Krzewicka, Beata     [ 2012 ]
A Revision of Verrucaria s. l. (Verrucariaceae) in Poland
A taxonomic treatment of the genus Verrucaria s.l. in Poland is provided, based on a study of ca 1700 specimens from Polish and foreign herbaria. A total of 62 species belonging to seven genera currently separated within Verrucarias.l. are presented including two new combinations, Verruculopsis minutum (Hepp) Krzewicka and Parabagliettoa disjuncta (Arnold) Krzewicka Gueidan& Cl. Three species, Parabagliettoa disjuncta, Verrucula elegantaria and V. polycarparia are reported for the first time from Poland. Twenty five taxa are excluded from the survey because they were mistakenly reported or not confirmed for the study area. The morphology, anatomy, ecology and known distribution of all treated taxa are discussed. Keys for the identification of genera and particular groups of the species are provided. Additional nomenclatural and taxonomic clarification include the typification of Thrombiumlecideoides A. Massal., Verrucariaaquatilis var. aerimontanaServít and VerrucariatimkoiiServít, and the synonymy of Lithoiceanigrescens var. acrotella A. Massal. withVerrucarianigrescens, Verrucariaamylacea f. compacta Arnold with Verrucariaamylacea, Verrucariaaquatilis var. aerimontana with Verrucariaaquatilis, VerrucariaatroviridisServít with Verrucariaaquatilis, Verrucariadenudata f. dissultaServít with Verrucariafunckii, Verrucariaelaeina var. determinataKörb. withVerrucariapraetermissa, Verrucariaelaeina var. effusaKörb. withVerrucariasubmersella, Verrucaria hoffmanniHepp with Bagliettoamarmorea, Verrucaria maura var. opacaKörb. withHydropunctariascabra, VerrucarianigrofuscaServít with Verrucaria nigroumbrina, Verrucariasublobulata var. robustiorServít with Verrucariasublobulata, Verrucariatimkoii with Bagliettoa calciseda. The name Verrucaria funckiana is rejected because it proved illegitimate as it was nomenclaturally superfluous when published.
143 pages, 62 plates, Paper bound, engl. (Polish Botanical Studies, 27)
Out of Stock. Orders on request.
order- id 16455/12 price 39,90 *  
Polish Botanical Studies     - Vol. 30
(13.)   Cieslak, Elzbieta     [ 2014 ]
Phylogeography of Pontic-Pannonian species in Central Europe
Abstract. This phylogeographical study concentrates on five species representing the Pontic-Pannonian subelement of the Polish flora: Carlina onopordifolia Besser ex Szafer, Cirsium pannonnicum, Inula ensifolia (L. fil.) Link, Linum flavum L. and Linum hirsutum L. Material was collected from populations in the following geographical regions of Central and Eastern Europe: the Wyzyna Malopolska upland (Poland), Wyzyna Lubelska upland (including Volhynian Polissya and the western part of the Volhynian Upland, Poland), the Podolian Upland (Ukraine), the southern (Hungary, Romania) and northwestern (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria) parts of the Panonnian area, the Balkan Peninsula (Bulgaria) and the northern Adriatic coast (Italy, Slovenia). The aim of the study was to verify hypotheses regarding migration routes, the time of migration of these species to southern Poland and more broadly to Central Europe, and the historical role of eastern and southern Poland in these processes. The 1434 samples collected in this work were analyzed after amplified fragment length polymorphism genotyping. Genetic variation was analyzed on the level of populations, population groups from specific geographical areas, and all sampled populations per species. The level of genetic variation was determined based on Nei''s gene diversity index, Shannon''s diversity index, frequency- downweighted marker values, and the number of polymorphic, private and discriminating bands. To test for isolation by distance between populations, the correlations between pairwise F ST and geographical distances, were examined with the Mantel test.
53 pages, 20 tables, 27 colour figures, Paper bound, engl. (Edit: Polish Academy of Sciences) (Polish Botanical Studies, 30)
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order- id 17615/14 price 34,90 *  

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