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(1.)   Alverez-Blanco, Irene, &, Blanco, Saúl     [ 2014 ]
Benthic diatoms from Mediterranean coasts
The authors present a taxonomic study of benthic diatoms collected from coastal rocks in seven northern Mediterranean sites (Italy, Spain, Greece, Turkey) in spring of 2010. An iconographic catalogue of high-quality SEM and light microscopic images, plus detailed taxonomic, nomenclatural and bibliographic information, are provided as a practical reference for further taxonomic and floristic studies on 91 plates. 120 representative diatom taxa, among them several poorly known species, selected from 23 samples, are described in terms of their abundance. The authors provide detailed information on the type material of each diatom species, a list of synonyms, a comparison of morphometric data provided in the literature (in tables) and a series of iconographic SEM-images which illustrate the taxon''s morphological variability, plus an exhaustive list of references. Nomenclature, taxonomy and systematic position of the described taxa are updated. Eight taxa are described as new to science and another seven are nomenclaturally recombined. Eight taxa are new records for the Mediterranean Sea and for five taxa Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images are presented for the first time. An exhaustive reference list and indices of taxa conclude this volume and make it a valuable source of information for biologists working on benthic diatoms in general, not only of the Mediterranean region.
409 pages, 1 figure, 3 tables, 91 plates, Paper bound, engl. (Bibliotheca Diatomologica, Band 60)
order- id 17549/14 price 154,00 *  
(2.)   Aptroot, Andre, Diederich, Paul, Serusiaux, Emmanuel, &, Sipman, Harrie J.M.     [ 1997 ]
Lichens and Lichenicolous Fungi from New Guinea
220 pages, 153 Abb., 4 Tab, softcover, engl. (Bibliotheca Lichenologica, Volume 64)
order- id 01456/97 price 82,00 *  
(3.)   Arbeitsgruppe Characeen Deutschlands, (Hrsg.)     [ 2015 ]
Armleuchteralgen. Die Characeen Deutschlands
Das Buch beschreibt umfassend die Armleuchteralgen Deutschlands. Von der Paläontologie bis zum Naturschutz ist alles in diesem Band enthalten: Bestimmungsschüssel, Artkapitel Fundortübersicht, Bioindikation, Systematik und Ontogenese. Alle Kapitel sind von Spezialisten des jeweiligen Gebietes verfasst.
XVIII+618 pages, 103 illustr., 116 in Farbe, hardcover, dt.
order- id 18519/15 price 89,99 *  
(4.)   Australian Biological Resources Study, (Edit.)     [ 2007 ]
Algae of Australia Series. Algae of Australia - Introduction
The introductory volume includes essays on the history of research on Australian algae, their classification, fossil record, systematic relationships, ecology... Keys to the identification of orders of algae are accompanied by an extensive bibliography, and 29 synoptic chapters provide an overview of the biology of the algal classes. The volume concludes with a glossary of more than 1500 technical terms.
744 pages, colour photos, illustration, hardcover, engl.
Out of stock. AVailability on request.
order- id 12029/07 price 124,90 *  
(5.)   Bellinger, Edward G., &, Sigee, David C.     [ 2015 ]
Freshwater Algae. Identification, Enumeration and Use as Bioindicators
Freshwater Algae provides an accessible and highly practical guide to a range of techniques used in the identification and enumeration of these important microorganisms. The first 3 chapters explore how to sample, measure and observe algae, before examining their role as bioindicators and application within water quality management, whilst the last chapter provides a key for identifying the principle algal genera with related environmental information on over 250 major species.
X+275 pages, many photographs and figures, tables, hardcover, engl. , 2. ed.
order- id 18284/15 price 82,15 *  
(6.)   Bluff, Mathias Josef, &, Fingerhuth, Carol. Anth.     [ 1831 ]
Compendium Florae Germaniae. Sect. II. Plantae cryptogamicae s. cellulosae. Tomus III + IV
Enthält Moose, Flechten, Algen und Pilze.
XXVI+654, LVI+923 pages, hardcover, dt. , Norimbergae (L. Schrag)
Antiquarische Exemplare. Einbände etwas bestoßen und abgegriffen. Z. T. etwas stockfleckig. Innen sauber. Insgesamt gut erhalten.
order- id 19627/19 price 150,00 *  
(7.)   Boletim do Instituto de Botânica     [ 2006 ]
Vol. 17
Contents: Olga Yano - Novas adicoes ao catalogo de Briofitas Brasileiras (138 pages). Silvia Maria Pita de Beauclair Guimaraes - A checklist of benthic marine Rhodophyta from the State of Espirito Santo, Brazil.
194 pages, Paper bound, engl./port. , Sao Paulo ()
Antiquarisches Exemplar. Gut erhalten.
order- id 18397/15 price 19,90 *  
(8.)   Bourrelly, Pierre     [ 1966 ]
Les Algues d''eau douces. Les Algues vertes
511 pages, 117 planches, hardcover, franz. , Paris (Boubée), 1. ed.
order- id 17648/14 price 19,90 *  
(9.)   Braune, Wolfram     [ 2008 ]
Meeresalgen. Ein Farbbildführer zu den verbreiteten Grün-, Braun- und Rotalgen der Weltmeere.
Das Buch soll es jedem Interessierten ermöglichen, in einer leicht zugänglichen Weise ohne zusätzliche Hilfsmittel, Meeresalgen zu erkennen und zu identifizieren. Dazu tragen sowohl die originalen Farbabbildungen im Hauptteil bei, dire charakteristische Form- und Strukturmerkmale erkennen lassen, als auch die begleitenden Beschreibungen zu Bau, Größe, Vorkommenh, Wuchsorte, Verwechslungs- und Verwendungsmöglichkeiten der jeweiligen Art. Der begleitende Text beschränkt sich im wesentlichen auf die Beschreibung morphologischer Charakteristika, die auch ohne optische Hilfsmittel erkannt werden können.
596 pages, 1010 Fig. auf 266 Farbtafeln, hardcover, dt.
order- id 12873/08 price 39,00 *  
(10.)   Braune, Wolfram, &, Guiry, Michael D.     [ 2011 ]
Seaweeds. A colour guide to common benthic green, brown and red algae of the world''s oceans (translated and revised for the Einglish language edition)
Contents: General and introductory remarks for the use of this book/ Introduction (About the term ''marine algae''/ Basic information on structure and reproduction/ Localities, habitats, distribution/ Notes on collection, preparation, observation and photography/ Ecological and economic importance of seaweeds and aesthetic - cultural aspects)/ Systematic classification/ Description and depiction of genera and species/ Appendix (Classification of seaweed genera included in this book/ Explanation of terms/ Literature)/ Index: Genera and species. - This is a translation of the German edition (2008).15 pictures have been replaced with better ones, and seven species have been added. - The present guide will help in the identification of marine algae (macroalgae, seaweeds) without requiring special knowledge of the subject and technical aids, such as a microscope. For a person interested in nature with a general interest in and knowledge of biology, a direct comparison of seaweed material with the original colour images herein will be useful in recognising the essential morphological chararcteristics of genera and/or species. The acommpanying text is intended to support this, and is essentially reduced to a description of morphological characteristics that can be seen with the unaided eye (although a small magnifying lense is helpful in some cases). This is supplemented by additional information, particularly on habitat and geographical distribution.
601 pages, 1020 figures on 263 colour plates, hardcover, dt.
order- id 15943/11 price 63,13 *  

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