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(1.)   Abbott, Bernard F.M.     [ 2009 ]
Checklist of the Lichens and Lichenicolous Fungi of Greece
Contents: Summary. Introduction. Acknowledgements. History of Lichenology in Greece. The Checklist. Greek Place Names. B. Abbotts Peloponnesian Sites. References. Publications not seen.
368 pages, Paper bound, engl. (Edit: Wirth, Volkmar) (Bibliotheca Lichenologica, Volume 103)
order- id 14442/09 price 94,00 *  
(2.)   Ahti, Teuvo     [ 2000 ]
The neotropical Cladoniaceae comprise 184 known species in four genera. Twenty-nine taxa are described here as new. Keys are provided for the species. Synonymy, typifications, descriptions, secondary chemistry, distribution maps, habitats, economic uses, and a selection of herbarium voucher specimens are given for each species.
362 pages, 215 figs, Ln, engl. (Flora Neotropica Monographs, Vol. 78)
Out of stock. Orders and price on request.
order- id 05203/00 price 0,00 *  
(3.)   Ahti, Teuvo, (Edit.)     [ 1990 ]
Nylander, W.: Collected Lichenological Papers. Vol. I-III
XLVI+2142 pages, hardcover, engl.
order- id 01470/97 price 522,00 *  
(4.)   Ahti, Teuvo, (Edit.)     [ 1852 - 1862 ]
Nylander, W.: Collected Lichenological Papers. Band 1
I+732 pages, hardcover, engl.
order- id 06108/02 price 174,00 *  
(5.)   Ahti, Teuvo, (Edit.)     [ 1990 ]
Nylander, W.: Collected Lichenological Papers. Vol. 2. Lichenological Papers 1863-1868 with addenda nova ad lichenographiam Europaeam 1965-1887 (Reprint)
850 pages, hardcover, engl.
order- id 01471/97 price 174,00 *  
(6.)   Ahti, Teuvo, (Edit.)     [ 1990 ]
Nylander, W.: Collected Lichenological Papers. Vol. 3. Lichenological Papers 1869-1887 (Reprint)
IV+734 pages, hardcover, engl.
order- id 01472/97 price 174,00 *  
(7.)   Ahti, Teuvo, Joergensen, Per Magnus, Kristinsson, Hördur, Moberg, Roland, Soechting, Ulrik, &, Thor, Göran     [ 2007 ]
Nordic Lichen Flora. Vol. 3. Cyanolichens
The third volume of Nordic Lichen flora differs from the others hithero published in that it does not concentrate on taxonomically closely genera, but includes all lichens which have cyanobiontic partners, which is not a taxonomic approach.
219 pages, colour photographs, maps, 1 CD, hardcover, engl.
Vergriffen. Out of print. Épuisé.
order- id 12778/08 price 0,00 *
(8.)   Ahti, Teuvo, Joergensen, Per Magnus, Kristinsson, Hördur, Moberg, Roland, Soechting, Ulrik, &, Thor, Göran     [ 2002 ]
Nordic Lichen Flora. Vol. 2. Physciaceae
The second volume of Nordic Lichen flora comprises the group Physiciaceae. This group also contains many environmentally important indicator species.
116 pages, colour photographs, maps, hardcover, engl.
order- id 06909/02 price 39,00 *  
(9.)   Ahti, Teuvo, Joergensen, Per Magnus, Kristinsson, Hördur, Moberg, Roland, Soechting, Ulrik, &, Thor, Göran     [ 1999 ]
Nordic Lichen Flora. Vol. 1. Introductory parts. Calicioid lichens and fungi
A number of Nordic lichenlogists have united forces to produce such a work, and now proudly oresents the first volume, comprising the ecologically important group Calicoid lichens and fungi. This group contains many environmentally important indicator indicator species, which now hopefully will be easier to recognize. Sonderangebot des Herausgebers.
94 pages, 81 maps, many col. pls, hardcover, engl.
Vergriffen. Out of print. Épuisé.
order- id 04634/99 price 0,00 *
(10.)   Ahti, Teuvo, Joergensen, Per Magnus, Kristinsson, Hördur, Moberg, Roland, Soechting, Ulrik, &, Thor, Göran     [ 1999 ]
Nordic Lichen Flora (1999-)
The lichen flora of the Nordic countries has been regarded as one of the best known in the world, containing about 2000 species. The lichenological research of the region has been going on continuosly since the days of the father of lichenology, the Swede Erik Acharius. It has, however, been a painful and awkward fact that here is no modern flora treatment of the fregion, the last attempt being that of Th.M. Fries in the 1870-ies, a work (Lichenographica scandinavica) that was left unfinished. The area covered is the following: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. So far, 6volumes were published.
many pages, illustrations, maps, hardcover, engl.
Abonnenten erhalten 5% Rabatt. Standing orders invited (5% discount). Bei Abnahme aller bisher erschienenen Bände werden ebenfalls 5% Rabatt gewährt.
order- id 11942/07 price 0,00 *  

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