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(61.)   Dobson, Frank S.     [ 2018 ]
Lichens: An illustrated guide to the British and Irish Species
This book provides an invaluable guide to identifying the British and Irish species both for the amateur naturalist just starting to study lichens, and the more advanced lichenologist. In addition, because of its references to air pollution tolerance and distribution, it offers the environmentalist and ecologist a concise work of reference, compact enough to be used in the field. The sixth edition has been revised to conform with the nomenclature of "The Lichens of Great Britain and Ireland", Smith C.W. et al. (2009), and more recent changes. It includes a number of species that do not appear in that flora. Over 160 additional species have been added so that this edition now includes more than 1,000 species. It provides a description of most of the species likely to be found in Great Britain and Ireland, those excluded being very rare or very local. Entries usually consist of a description of each species, notes on habitat, the results of the simple spot tests as well as notes on distribution with a map giving 3 date separations including when it was most recently recorded. A particular feature of this book is the large number of photographs, with most species illustrated in full colour. These are supplemented by numerous line drawings of microscopic and other diagnostic features. There are frequent suggestions to assist in separating species that appear similar but could otherwise cause confusion. The popular generic "lateral key" has been retained in an enlarged form including a much extended sterile section. A generic synopsis is included to assist the more experienced lichenologist. Each genus has a key or table to the species contained in this book. Where there may be confusion, these keys often include similar species from other genera. Where genera are closely related, a "group" key is frequently supplied.
520 pages, colour photos, b/w-line drawings, colour distribution maps, hardcover, engl. , 7. rev. ed.
Out of stock. Orders on request.
order- id 19443/18 price 69,90 *  
(62.)   Dobson, Frank S.     [ 2018 ]
Lichens: An illustrated guide to the British and Irish Species
This book provides an invaluable guide to identifying the British and Irish species both for the amateur naturalist just starting to study lichens, and the more advanced lichenologist. In addition, because of its references to air pollution tolerance and distribution, it offers the environmentalist and ecologist a concise work of reference, compact enough to be used in the field. The sixth edition has been revised to conform with the nomenclature of "The Lichens of Great Britain and Ireland", Smith C.W. et al. (2009), and more recent changes. It includes a number of species that do not appear in that flora. Over 160 additional species have been added so that this edition now includes more than 1,000 species. It provides a description of most of the species likely to be found in Great Britain and Ireland, those excluded being very rare or very local. Entries usually consist of a description of each species, notes on habitat, the results of the simple spot tests as well as notes on distribution with a map giving 3 date separations including when it was most recently recorded. A particular feature of this book is the large number of photographs, with most species illustrated in full colour. These are supplemented by numerous line drawings of microscopic and other diagnostic features. There are frequent suggestions to assist in separating species that appear similar but could otherwise cause confusion. The popular generic "lateral key" has been retained in an enlarged form including a much extended sterile section. A generic synopsis is included to assist the more experienced lichenologist. Each genus has a key or table to the species contained in this book. Where there may be confusion, these keys often include similar species from other genera. Where genera are closely related, a "group" key is frequently supplied.
520 pages, colour photos, b/w-line drawings, colour distribution maps, softcover, engl. , 7. rev. ed.
Out of stock. Orders on request.
order- id 19444/18 price 59,90 *  
(63.)   Dobson, Frank S.     [ 2010 ]
A Field Key to Coastal and Seashore Lichens
Contains colour photographs and keys, These keys use only characters that are visible in the field, by eye, or under a x10 hand lens. This allows the user to identify 500 species of lichens which are likely to be found on the coast and seashore. There are also three supplementary keys to ''Lichens on Limestone, Concrete and Mortar'', ''Lichens on Sawn Wood'' (such as posts, fences or benches), and ''Lichens on Soil, Mosses and Plant Debris''. In addition almost 100 rare species are listed together with notes to aid their identification.
100 pages, 6 colour plates, figures, Spiral bound, engl.
Out of stock. Availability on request.
order- id 16222/12 price 24,90 *  
(64.)   Dobson, Frank S.     [ 2013 ]
A Field Key to Common Churchyard Lichens (and to commoner species found elswhere on stone, fences and gates)
Introduction and instructions on how to use the key, followed by the detailed key itself, which is illustrated with clear drawings. The colour photos may be used as a quick method of identification, or to confirm the findings of the table of characters, which details 60 of the most common lichens, including species found on stone, fences, gates etc. The advanced key includes about 180 taxa. Spiral binding. 50 pages Colour plates, line drawings.
(10)+50 pages, 4 colour plates, figures, Spiral bound, engl.
order- id 17626/14 price 17,90 *  
(65.)   Dombrovskaja, Anna V.     [ 1996 ]
Rod Stereocaulon na territorii byvshego SSSR (The genus Stereocaulon in the territory of the former Soviet Union)
A revision of the boreal lichen genus Stereocaulon in the former Soviet Union (detailede traetment with descriptions and a key for 55 species).
270 pages, 71 plates, hardcover, russ. (Mir i Semia, 95)
Fehlt im Lager Bestellung auf Anfrage.
order- id 17630/14 price 64,90 *  
(66.)   Drehwald, Uwe     [ 1993 ]
Die Pflanzengesellschaften Niedersachsens: Flechtengesellschaften
Inhalt (Auszug): Übersicht. Einleitung. Flechtengesellschaften als Gegenstand des Naturschutzes. Methodisches. Systematik und Nomenklatur. Aufbau der Gesellschaftstabellen. Aufstellung einer Roten Liste. Grundlagenmaterial. Aufbau und Inhalt der Roten Liste...Die Rote Liste der Flechtengesellschaften. Beschreibung der Flechtengesellschaften. Syntaxonomie und Synsystematik. Zusammenfassung. Literatur. Register.
122 pages, softcover, dt. (Edit: Niedersächsisches Landesamt f. Ökologie - Abt. Naturschutz -) (Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege in Niedersachsen, 20/10)
order- id 01066/97 price 12,00 *  
(67.)   Drehwald, Uwe     [ 1995 ]
Epiphytische Pflanzengesellschaften in NO-Argentinien
175 pages, 29 Tab., 4 Abb im Text u. 10 Fotos i. Anh, softcover, dt. (Dissertiationes Botanicae, 250)
order- id 01833/97 price 41,00 *  
(68.)   Egea, J.M.     [ 1989 ]
Los géneros Heppia y Peltula (liquenes) en Europe Occidental y Norte de Africa
122 pages, 29 figs, softcover, span. (Edit: Wirth, Volkmar, &, Poelt, J.) (Bibliotheca Lichenologica, Volume 31)
order- id 01407/97 price 31,00 *  
(69.)   Egea, J.M., &, Torrente, P.     [ 1995 ]
El género de hongos liquenizados Lecanactis (Ascomycotina)
205 pages, 17 Abb., 20 Taf, softcover, span. (Edit: Wirth, Volkmar, &, Poelt, J.) (Bibliotheca Lichenologica, Volume 54)
order- id 01429/97 price 56,00 *  
(70.)   Elix, John A.     [ 1996 ]
A Revision of the Lichen Genus Relicina
Mit Bestimmungsschlüssel und Beschreibungen für die 47 Arten, Verbreitung, Ökologie...Acht neue Arten werden beschrieben
150 pages, 5 tabs., 80 figs, softcover, engl. (Bibliotheca Lichenologica, Volume 62)
order- id 01454/97 price 46,00 *  

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