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(81.)   Fanta, Josef, &, Siepel, Henk     [ 2010 ]
Inland drifts and sand landscapes
For some centuries these landscapes were seen as a threat to society, especially agriculture and housing. At present we conserve these landscapes as important Natura 2000 priority habitats. In this book you may find these different views on drift sand landscapes through time: The processes, origin, conservation and at present even restoration of this very special but harsh biotope. Next to the relationship with man, ecology is highlighted starting from restraint to restoration. Characteristic fields of lichens with sparse grasses and heather form the biotope of a range of special animal and plant species, as well as rare mushrooms. Their commonality is that all of these species can cope with the extreme conditions in the drift sands, and are able to survive. Gradients from bare sand to forest stands shape the habitat for a specific biodiversity. In the final chapter of the book, it is explained how these extraordinary landscapes with their characteristic biodiversity may be managed to bequeath for future generations the enjoyment of a once breath-taking threat.
352 pages, fully in colour, hardcover, engl.
order- id 15656/11 price 54,90 *  
(82.)   Farkas, Edit E., Lücking, Robert, &, Wirth, Volkmar, (Eds.)     [ 1995 ]
Scripta Lichenologica. Lichenological Papers dedicated to Antonin Vezda
Contains 30 scientific papers.
XV+501 pages, 185 figures, 12 tables, softcover, engl. (Bibliotheca Lichenologica, Volume 58), Berlin-Stuttgart (J. Cramer in der Geb. Bornträger Verlagsbuchhandlung)
Antiquarisches Exemplar. Sehr gut erhalten.
Neupreis 92 Euro.
order- id 18110/14 price 46,00 *  
(83.)   Farkas, Edit E., Lücking, Robert, &, Wirth, Volkmar, (Eds.)     [ 1995 ]
Scripta Lichenologica. Lichenological Papers dedicated to Antonin Vezda
Contains 30 scientific papers.
XV+501 pages, 185 figures, 12 tables, softcover, engl. (Bibliotheca Lichenologica, Volume 58)
order- id 01450/97 price 92,00 *  
(84.)   Farkas, Edit, &, Pócs, Tamás, (Eds.)     [ 1997 ]
Cryptogams in the Phyllosphere: Systematics, Distibution, Ecology and Use
216 pages, Paper bound, engl. (Abstractica Botanica, 21 (1)), Budapest ()
Antiquarisches Exemplar. Gut erhalten.
order- id 19411/18 price 24,90 *  
(85.)   Feige, G.B., &, Lumbsch, H. Thorsten, (Eds.)     [ 1993 ]
Phytochemistry and Chemotaxonomy of Lichenized Ascomycetes
Inhalt: Festschrift: S. Huneck
XIV+288 pages, 15 photos, 32 figs, softcover, engl. (Edit: Wirth, Volkmar, &, Poelt, J.) (Bibliotheca Lichenologica, Volume 53), Berlin-Stuttgart (J. Cramer in der Geb. Bornträger Verlagsbuchhandlung)
Antiquarisches Exemplar. Gut erhalten.
Neupreis 72 Euro.
order- id 18352/15 price 34,90 *  
(86.)   Feige, G.B., &, Lumbsch, H. Thorsten, (Eds.)     [ 1993 ]
Phytochemistry and Chemotaxonomy of Lichenized Ascomycetes
Inhalt: Festschrift: S. Huneck
XIV+288 pages, 15 photos, 32 figs, softcover, engl. (Edit: Wirth, Volkmar, &, Poelt, J.) (Bibliotheca Lichenologica, Volume 53)
order- id 01428/97 price 72,00 *  
(87.)   Feuerer, Tassilo     [ 1991 ]
Revision der europäischen Arten der Flechtengattung Rhizocarpon mit nichtgelbem Lager und vielzelligen Sporen
Inhalt (Auszug): Einleitung. Material und Methoden. Technische Hinweise. Schadformen. Beschreibung der Gattung Rhizocarpon. Die Merkmale (Apothecien. Morphologische Merkmale. Hymenium. Epihymenium. Hypothecium . Haftschicht. Excipulum. Asci. Ascosporen). Thallus. Areolen. Prothallus. Spermogonien. Chemie. Oekologie. Verbreitung. Parasiten. Die Arten (R. arctogenum. R. bolanderi. R. disporum. R. distinctum. etc.). Species excludendae. Arten von denen kein Typus verfuegbar war. Bestimmungsschluessel. Gliederung der Gattung. Zusammenfassung. Index der Epitheta der Basionyme. Literatur.
218 pages, softcover, dt. (Edit: Wirth, Volkmar, &, Poelt, J.) (Bibliotheca Lichenologica, Volume 39)
order- id 01414/97 price 46,00 *  
(88.)   Feuerer, Tassilo     [ 1991 ]
Revision der europäischen Arten der Flechtengattung Rhizocarpon mit nichtgelbem Lager und vielzelligen Sporen
Inhalt (Auszug): Einleitung. Material und Methoden. Technische Hinweise. Schadformen. Beschreibung der Gattung Rhizocarpon. Die Merkmale (Apothecien. Morphologische Merkmale. Hymenium. Epihymenium. Hypothecium . Haftschicht. Excipulum. Asci. Ascosporen). Thallus. Areolen. Prothallus. Spermogonien. Chemie. Oekologie. Verbreitung. Parasiten. Die Arten (R. arctogenum. R. bolanderi. R. disporum. R. distinctum. etc.). Species excludendae. Arten von denen kein Typus verfuegbar war. Bestimmungsschluessel. Gliederung der Gattung. Zusammenfassung. Index der Epitheta der Basionyme. Literatur.
218 pages, softcover, dt. (Edit: Wirth, Volkmar, &, Poelt, J.) (Bibliotheca Lichenologica, Volume 39), Berlin-Stuttgart (J. Cramer in der Geb. Bornträger Verlagsbuchhandlung)
Antiquarisches Exemplar. Gut erhalten.
order- id 18109/14 price 23,00 *  
(89.)   Filson, Rex B.     [ 1996 ]
Checklist of Australian Lichens and Allied Fungi
204 pages, softcover, engl. (Edit: The Australian Biological Resources Study) (Flora of Australia. Supplementary Series, 7)
Vergriffen. Out of print. Épuisé.
order- id 05251/00 price 0,00 *
(90.)   Fleig, Mariana, &, Grüninger, Werner     [ 2008 ]
Liquens - Flechten- Lichens
As typical for all rain forests, the subtropical araucaria forests of Rio Grande do Sul are rich in epiphytic lichens. For the first time 60 species of macroloichens, all occuring in the reserve Pro-Mata, are presented in colour photos. Their ecophysiology is treated in a special chapter. A key for determination of all genera distributed in Rio Grande do Sul is also given.
220 pages, many colour photographs, softcover, engl./port./dt.
Not in our stock. Orders on request.
order- id 13323/08 price 29,90 *  

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