  - 99 volumes , ordered by 'author'
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(1.)   AHO Mitteilungsblatt     [ 1986 ]
Heft 3/86
Inhalt: Die Gattung Ophrys - eine taxonomische Übersicht
384 pages, softcover, dt. , ()
Einband etwas beschädigt, sonst sehr gut erhalten.
order- id 09657/05 price 12,00 *  
(2.)   AHO Mitteilungsblatt , Beiträge zur Erhaltung und Erforschung heimischer Orchideen     [ 1989 ]
Band 3/89
Enthält: Baumann et al: Die nomenklatorischen Typen der von Linnaeus veröffentlichten Namen europäischer Orchideen. Baumann et al.: Die Gattung Serapias - eine taxonomische Übersicht
591 pages, softcover, dt. , ()
order- id 07172/03 price 9,00 *  
(3.)   Alibertis, Antonis, &, Alibertis, Chryssoula     [ 1989 ]
Die wilden Orchideen Kretas
176 pages, 209 Farbfotografien, softcover, dt. , Heraklion (), 2. erw. ed.
Sehr gut erhalten.
order- id 12465/07 price 14,90 *  
(4.)   Antonopoulos, Zissis     [ 2009 ]
The Bee Orchids of Greece
The self-sowing (wild) orchids are amongst the most admired plants of the world, with the Greek species numbering almost 200. Of these, a little more than half belong to the Ophrys genus, the only one in which the attraction of insect pollinators is accomplished through the sexual deception of certain species of male insects. The biological specialty, in conjunction with the optical result of the adaptation of the flowers so that they resemble insects, attracts the interest of biologists, botanists, photographers and naturalists. In this book, 124 species, subspecies and varieties of the Ophrys genus are presented, with descriptions which are accompanied by more than 650 photographs taken by the author and many friends and colleagues. The mode of presentation, with comparisons between similar species, emphasis on the main characteristics and photographic documentation of the above, defines the character of the book which constitutes a monograph on the genus and, at the same time, a useful field guide. It is also an aspiration that this book will constitute the basis for a better knowledge of the Greek selfsowing orchids, amongst which are some of the most beautiful and rarest species in Europe. This would have, as its consequence, the demonstration of the need for their protection and for their designation as an important component of our natural wealth.
320 pages, many colour photographs, hardcover, engl.
order- id 14437/09 price 69,00 *  
(5.)   Arbeitskreis heimische Orchideen Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland, (Hrsg.)     [ 2021 ]
Die wildwachsenden Orchideen in Rheinland-Pfalz und im Saarland
Dieses Buch zeigt auf 440 Seiten mit über 580 Bildern und fast 60 Verbreitungskarten die Schönheit der heimischen Orchideen und die gleichzeitige Gefährdung derselben in unserer modernen Zeit.
440 pages, durchgehend mit Farbfotografien, hardcover, dt.
order- id 20455/21 price 34,90 *  
(6.)   Argue, Charles L.     [ 2011 ]
The Pollination Biology of North American Orchids. Vol. 1
Recent studies have revealed remarkable complexity and diversity in orchid-pollinator relationships. These studies comprise a vast literature currently scattered in numerous, often obscure, journals and books. The Pollination Biology of North American Orchids brings together, for the first time, a comprehensive treatment of this information for all native and introduced North American orchids found north of Mexico and Florida. It provides detailed information on genetic compatibility, breeding systems, pollinators, pollination mechanisms, fruiting success, and limiting factors for each species. Distribution, habitat, and floral morphology are also summarized. In addition, detailed line drawings emphasize orchid reproductive organs and their adaptation to known pollinators. This, the first of two volumes, furnishes a brief introduction to the general morphology of the orchid flower and the terminology used to describe orchid breeding systems and reproductive strategies. It treats the lady''s-slippers of genus Cypripedium, subfamily Cypripedioideae, and nine genera of the subfamily Orchidoideae, including the diverse rein orchids of genus Platanthera. The Pollination Biology of North American Orchids will be of interest to both regional and international audiences including: Researchers and students in this field of study who are currently required to search through the scattered literature to obtain the information gathered here.Researchers and students in related fields with an interest in the co-evolution of plants and insects.Conservation specialists who need to understand both the details of orchid reproduction and the identity of primary pollinators in order to properly manage the land for both.Orchid breeders who require accurate and current information on orchid breeding systems. General readers with an interest in orchid biology. Charles Argue, Ph.D., is a plant biologist at the University of Minnesota specializing in the study of pollen grains. His articles have appeared in numerous journals including the American Journal of Botany, International Journal of Plant Sciences (formerly Botanical Gazette), Botany (formerly Canadian Journal of Botany), Grana, Pollen et Spores, North American Native Orchid Journal, The Native Orchid Conference Journal, Fremontia, and as chapters in a number of books.
249 pages, 42 illustr., hardcover, engl.
order- id 15997/11 price 149,75 *  
(7.)   Argue, Charles L.     [ 2011 ]
The Pollination Biology of North American Orchids. Vol. 2
Recent studies have revealed remarkable complexity and diversity in orchid-pollinator relationships. These studies comprise a vast literature currently scattered in numerous, often obscure, journals and books. The Pollination Biology of North American Orchids brings together, for the first time, a comprehensive treatment of this information for all native and introduced North American orchids found north of Mexico and Florida. It provides detailed information on genetic compatibility, breeding systems, pollinators, pollination mechanisms, fruiting success, and limiting factors for each species. Distribution, habitat, and floral morphology are also summarized. In addition, detailed line drawings emphasize orchid reproductive organs and their adaptation to known pollinators. This, the second of two volumes, treats the subfamily Orchidoideae with the tribe Cranichideae. This is followed by examination of the seven North American tribes of subfamily Epidendroideae and the single North American tribe of subfamily Vanilloideae.The Pollination Biology of North American Orchids will be of interest to both regional and international audiences including: Researchers and students in this field of study who are currently required to search through the scattered literature to obtain the information gathered here.Researchers and students in related fields with an interest in the co-evolution of plants and insects.Conservation specialists who need to understand both the details of orchid reproduction and the identity of primary pollinators in order to properly manage the land for both.Orchid breeders who require accurate and current information on orchid breeding systems. General readers with an interest in orchid biology. Charles Argue, Ph.D., is a plant biologist at the University of Minnesota specializing in the study of pollen grains. His articles have appeared in numerous journals including the American Journal of Botany, International Journal of Plant Sciences (formerly Botanical Gazette), Botany (formerly Canadian Journal of Botany), Grana, Pollen et Spores, North American Native Orchid Journal, The Native Orchid Conference Journal, Fremontia, and as chapters in a number of books.
IX+202 pages, 43 illustr., hardcover, engl.
order- id 15998/11 price 149,75 *  
(8.)   Averyanov, Leonid, Cribb, Phillip, Ke Loc, Phan, &, Tien Hiep, Nygen     [ 2003 ]
Slipper Orchids of Vietnam - with an introduction of the Flora of Vietnam
An excellent new study in which the geology, climate and vegetation of Vietnam are explored speciafically in relation to the Paphiopedilum species known to grow there.
308 pages, 217 figs., hardcover, engl.
Orders on request.
order- id 07704/03 price 48,90 *  
(9.)   Bonardi, Dominique, &, Scappaticci, Gil, (Coord.)     [ 2013 ]
A la rencontre des Orchidées sauvages de Rhône-Alpes
La région Rhône-Alpes n''a pas d''équivalent en France pour ce qui concerne le nombre d''espèces d''orchidées et la variété des milieu qui les abritent. Cet ouvrage est le fruit d''un travail colossal mené par les members de la SFO Rhône-Alpes. Il va permettre à chacun, selon ses aspirations et ses connaissances, de se familiariser avec les 109 espèces recensées sur la zone, de connaître leur repartition précise, leur mode de reproduction ou leur période de floraison.
326 pages, many colour photographs, Paper bound, franz. (Collection Parthénope, )
Temporarily out of stock.
order- id 15508/10 price 34,90 *  
(10.)   Bosser, Jean, &, Lecoufle, Marcel     [ 2011 ]
Les Orchidées de Madagascar
La communauté scientifique mondiale confère à Madagascar le titre de patrimoine naturel unique. Les orchidées en constituent un exemple remarquable. Rédigé par 2 spécialistes renommés, cet ouvrage bilingue français/anglais est appelé à devenir une référence. Plus de 400 espèces y sont présentées, avec une description de leurs biotopes, les caractères permettant leur identification, leur écologie, leur répartition, les periods de floraison, etc. Des planches de dessins ainsi que 500 photographies sur le terrain viennent enrichir l''ouvrage.
496 pages, viele Strichzeichnungen, durchgehend mit Farbfotos, , franz. (Collection Parthénope, )
order- id 15509/10 price 74,90 *  

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