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(11.)   Editorial committee of the Flora of China, (Edit.)     [ 2009 ]
Flora of China. Text Volume. 23. Acoraceae through Cyperaceae
Twenty-two plant families are described in this volume. Among these, the Araceae include taro (Colocasiaesculenta) and the horticulturally important genera Amorphophallus and Arisaema, the Pandanaceae include the screw-pines (Pandanus), the Arecaceae are the palms, including the economically important betel nut (Areca catechu), coconut (Cocosnucifera), and date (Phoenix dactylifera) in addition to 77 native species, among which are the Chusan or windmill palm (Trachycarpusfortunei) and the climbing, spiny rattans (Calamus), finally, the Cyperaceae, or sedges, comprise two-thirds of this volume and include the second largest genus in China, Carex, with 527 species.
528 pages, hardcover, engl.
order- id 15618/11 price 122,90 *  
(12.)   Edmondson, Jennifer R.     [ 2012 ]
Flora of Tropical East Africa. Solanaceae
243 pages, 28 plates, Paper bound, engl. (Edit: Beentje, H.J.)
Out of stock. Orders and exact price on request.
order- id 16655/12 price 39,90 *  
(13.)   Egorova, T.V.     [ 1999 ]
The Sedges (Carex L.) of Russia and Adjacent States (Within the Limits of the Fomer USSR)
This is a landmark publication considering all sedges species found within the Eurasian confines of the former USSR. Egorova´s book is with English translation in tandem to the original Russian text.
772 pages, 76 figs., 4 tabs, hardcover, engl./russ.
Temporarily out of stock. Availability and exact price on request.
order- id 04562/99 price 30,00 *  
(14.)   Flora of North America Editorial Committee, (Edit.)     [ 2002 ]
Flora of North America, Volume 23. Cyperaceae
The first complete treatment of the sedges of North America in more than half a century, this volume tackles the notoriously difficult to identify Cyperaceae with illustrations of all species in the group, emphasizing its great ecological importance. With extensive information on the more than 460 species of Carex, this third volume out of five covering the monocots of North America also includes 96 species of Cyperus, 68 species of Rhynchospora, 66 species of Eleocharis, and the monotypic, North American endemic Cymophyllus. The treatments--written and reviewed by experts--all contain identification keys, summaries of habitats and geographic ranges, distribution maps, pertinent synonymies, descriptions, chromosome numbers, and phenological information. Over 100 illustrations and 945 individual species distribution maps provide ecologists, applied biologists, and other readers with an authoritative account of the Cyperaceae.
XXIV+608 pages, 130 figs, hardcover, engl.
order- id 06012/01 price 79,90 *  
(15.)   Foerster, Ekkehard     [ 2008 ]
Seggen, Binsen, Simsen und andere Scheingräser des Grünlandes. Ein Schlüssel zum Bestimmen während der ganzen Vegetationszeit
Der Bestimmungsschlüssel bietet nicht nur Bestimmungshilfen für vegetative Pflanzen.
XIV+28 pages, zahlr. Abbildungen, Paper bound, dt. (Edit: Landesamt für Natur, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz NRW) (LANUV Arbeitsblatt, 5)
Vergriffen. Out of print. Épuisé.
order- id 15272/10 price 0,00 *
(16.)   Gordon-Gray, K.D., (Edit.)     [ 1995 ]
  Series: Strelitzia...
Cyperaceae in Natal
Contents: Abstract. Introduction. Glossary. Keys to genera. Treatment of genera and species (180p). References. Hybrid catalogue. Addendum. Index
218 pages, 57 SEM photos, 32 line figs, Paper bound, engl. (Strelitzia, 2)
Out of stock. Orders on request.
order- id 02857/98 price 39,90 *  
(17.)   Haberer, Martin     [ 2014 ]
Taschenatlas Ziergräser. 188 Arten erkennen und verwenden
Die beliebtesten Gräser für den Garten: - 188 Ziergräser vom Alpingarten bis zum Gartenteich. Die besten Gräser für den Hausgarten. - Für jede Art der geeignete Standort, Vermehrung, Sorten und Besonderheiten. Ziergräser sind ein besonders stimmungsvolles Gestaltungselement im Garten. Mit diesem praktischen Atlas finden Sie zielsicher die passende Art für jede Gartensituation: vom trockenen Alpingarten über abwechslungsreiche Staudenrabatte bis hin zum Gartenteich. Mit Empfehlungen für besonders bewährte Gartensorten. 188 Ziergräser werden in übersichtlichen Porträts vorgestellt, die über Erkennungsmerkmale, Standort, Pflege und Vermehrung informieren. Einfache Symbole geben schnell Auskunft zu Wuchshöhe, Blütezeit und Verwendung im Garten. Ein einleitendes Kapitel über Pflege, Verwendung, Naturstandorte und kulturgeschichtliche Hintergründe von Gräsern macht dieses Buch komplett.
128 pages, zahlr. Farbfotografien, Paper bound, dt. , 2. ed.
order- id 18046/14 price 9,90 *  
(18.)   Healy, A.J., &, Edgar, E.     [ 1980 ]
Flora of New Zealand, Vol. III. Adventive Cyperaceous, Petalous & Spathaceous Monocotyledons
Describes the introduced wild plants belonging to the rush, sedge, lily, iris, arum and related families.
XLII+220 pages, 30 b/w-figs., hardcover, engl.
order- id 03257/98 price 29,00 *  
(19.)   Hoenselaar, K., Verdcourt, B., &, Beentje, Henk J.     [ 2010 ]
Flora of Tropical East Africa. Cyperaceae
466 pages, 67 line drawings, Paper bound, engl. (Edit: Beentje, H.J.)
Out of stock. Orders and exact price on request.
order- id 15068/10 price 139,90 *  
(20.)   Jeanmonod, Daniel     [ 1989 ]
Compléments au Prodrome de la Flore Corse. Lentibulariaceae
18 pages, 3 figures, softcover, franz. (Edit: Conservatoire et Jardin botanique de la ville de Genève)
order- id 03075/98 price 6,00 *  

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